DONATE TO Support our mission
To make one time donations, please use either of the Donate buttons. All Donations will go to the Wildlife Center General Fund. All Donations Fund only our Programs. We have no paid staff. We are eternally grateful for your support.
If you would like to become a MAWC monthly donor, please use the PayPal Donate button.
If you would like to make a donation to a specific program, please use the Website Donate button.
Our Programs
Madrean Archipelago Films - Cinema vérité of MAWC co-founder and artist Tony Heath on various subjects related to conservation, the environment, wildlife, wilderness, people, politics and culture.
Jaguar Rising Campaign - volunteer-run grassroots campaign that seeks to protect endangered migratory species from the impacts of the US - Mexico border wall through a national outreach campaign. Endangered and threatened species prayer flags have been created to move hearts and minds and help us to share their stories to insure their survival for the next seven generations and beyond. We commissioned the talented Saraiya Kanning, who created the art for the San Pedro Anthology to work her magic for black and white ink illustrations of the Mexican Gray Wolf, Black Bear, Ocelot, Sonoran Pronghorn, and Big Horn Sheep and others. They are handmade and handprinted on organic cotton and are $45 plus $5 for shipping, to include a Jaguar Rising postcard and Let Wildlife Migrate sticker. We are thankful and grateful for your support to fly these flags and share their stories with one and all.
Blue Hope Prayer Flags in remembrance for Hope, the Mexican Gray Wolf found dead near Flagstaff, AZ on November 7. 2024. May we never forget her and Stand Tall to Be a Voice for the Voiceless.
in-kind material donations
Items may be ordered and mailed directly to us. Monetary donations to purchase items can be made through our DONATE button at the top of the page. Thank you!
Wish List:
Electric golf cart
Nest Box Trail Water Stations - We are planning water and supplemental feeding stations at key areas along our trail. Cement bird baths that are 4ft high with a 2.5 “ deep, 20” to 24” width basin provides safe drinking and bathing for the birds. With the extreme heat and drought these are life-savers! We need 3 of these stations.
Large wooden outdoor table and chairs for outreach events
Support MAWC - shop at AmazonSmile
Did you know that whenever you shop at Amazon through AmazonSmile, Amazon donates .05% of the purchase price to Madrean Archipelago Wildlife Center? Please consider shopping at AmazonSmiles through the button below. We are grateful for your support!
Kate, Tom and Tony return from filming at the San Pedro River, 2021. Photograph by MaFe Gonzalez