Nest Box Trail
We started our Nest Box Trail in 1999 with three nest boxes after observing Eastern Bluebirds in and around the ranch. We were thrilled to see them having no idea that southeast Arizona had bluebirds. We researched how best to proceed and joined Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s Nest Box Network (now NestWatch, Soon after a hefty three ring binder arrived in the mail providing all the information we needed in constructing nest boxes, proper installation, best field practices for monitoring, troubleshooting and so much more. With climate change and all its challenges, it is imperative to keep up with the latest avian research. We encourage all who have an interest in wild bird conservation to visit,
These past 24 years have been a fascinating and at times heart-breaking, but always rewarding journey. In 2005, Cornell funded a nest box cam to view the Elf Owl, the world’s smallest owl. In 2006, Tina Phillips (Nest Box Network Project Leader), Caren Cooper article, Lights, Camera, Action! Nest Box Cam technology reveals rarely seen events, BirdScope, newsletter of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Volume 20, Number 1. The article shares images and insights of what occurred in our box and other nest cam locations.
With all the technology advances since 2005, our own nest box design that is a bit more spacious that the Elf Owls have been using over the years, we feel it is the right time to install a nest box cam. Help us fund a Nest Box Cam for Spring 2024!