We wish to offer our deep gratitude and heartfelt thanks to all for the generous donations for our raptor enclosure fund. As our journey continues, we will share our progress with all of you!
Other good news to share with you all, the Great Horned Owl that we helped over the Thanksgiving holiday is doing very well and is on a path at Liberty Wildlife to be the new foster Owl Dad! This parenting role is critical for all the juvenile owlets that are orphaned, injured, or displaced each year, to teach them all they need to know in be-coming a strong adult Owl…to thrive and survive! Liberty’s current foster Owl Dad has been doing this critical job of nurturing and teaching for 16 years! It always makes my heart sing to know that when we reach out to help the winged ones, when we see them injured by the roadside…the difference it makes. The animal lives and their families we ultimately touch and make better. Think of all the owlets now that will benefit in future years from this one small act of kindness, when that state trooper pulled over to rescue him and bring him to us…!
Beautiful, blessed beginnings to all of you in 2018! We wish to share a prayer from Grandmother Flordemayo, one of the founding members of the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers (www.grandmotherscouncil.org)
“Beloved Mother, giver of life, creator of the heavens and the earth.
Beauty of the morning light, embrace us with your morning rays;
bring us the hope of life.
Restore our sacred waters,
our sacred air,
our sacred earth.
Without this there is no life.
Bring us into a place of balance with all that is around us.
Open our hearts so that we can create a better world.
Open our eyes to see what we have done.
Give us the power to each and every one of us
around the world from this day forward.
Thank you.