May this find you all well and enjoying the changes from Spring to almost Summer! There has been lots going on and much to learn for me...including this blog post:)...all undertakings have been beautiful! Love always what you do and you will never know anything but joy!
As our journey unfolds in the creation of our first raptor enclosure, we wanted you to share a sketch of what it will look like when completed. I can tell you we have had many of the wildings checking out our "flagship" after work each day. To date Bewick's wrens have fledged from within a fence pole not more than 10 ft away. Dusky-capped flycatchers and Azure Bluebirds are incubating clutches in nearby nest boxes. Hooded and Scott's Orioles are calling and building nests in oaks and junipers around the enclosure. I guess the building energy is spreading out to all! Who needs to whistle while you work, we have beautiful birdsong! As I write this newly fledged Say's Phoebes are perched on our front porch table calling to Mom....:)
Here's a sketch of what the enclosure will look like when completed...In the Madrean Sky Islands/Madrean Archipelago monsoon rains and temperature extremes create the need for thoughtful construction. We have been blessed to have such a creative builder/neighbor Brent Klaassen right down the road from the center. It's been joy to create this with his compassionate oversight...